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How do you use cocoa fiber every day?

through Biogo Biogo 08 Nov 2022 0 comments
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How do you use cocoa fiber every day?

We combine fiber primarily a substance of plant origin, its rich source above all Grain products, wholemeal wholemeal bread, cereals and bran, and dried fruit . It helps regulate the work of the intestines and supports the digestive process, prevents constipation and helps cleanse the digestive tract by "sweeping out" unnecessary and left-over food particles. Hardly anyone combines, however Dietary fiber with cocoa, and it turns out to be a valuable source for that too. Let's see how we Cocoa fiber can use it every day and what health benefits it brings.

What is cocoa fiber?

Cocoa beans contain up to 40% fiber , which are obtained through their processing, d. H. Roasting, cleaning, mechanical grinding and sterilizing. As a result of these processes, a fine, homogeneous and water-insoluble powder is formed, which is similar in appearance and aroma natural cocoa. Cocoa fiber contains pectins, cellulose and hemicellulose as well as polysaccharides, i.e. polysaccharides, complex carbohydrates:

  • Glucose
  • galactose,
  • Mannose,
  • Xylose,
  • Arabinose.

Properties of cocoa fiber

we can replace cacao fiber with cacao powder – fiber contains much less fat, so products that contain cacao fiber instead of regular cacao have fewer calories. Because the fiber does not dissolve in water and binds it, it swells in the digestive system. It gives us a feeling of fullness and fills the intestines and stomach. As a result, it can effectively help in facilitating the weight loss process. The cocoa phase have a beneficial effect on our body because they act:

  • Anti-Diabetes,
  • Antioxidant,
  • lowering bad cholesterol levels,
  • supporting the slimming process thanks to the activation of enzymes involved in the breakdown of adipose tissue,
  • regulates the digestive tract, supports intestinal peristalsis,
  • does not significantly increase the caloric value of the meal,
  • supports the development of "good" intestinal bacteria.

The use of cocoa fibers

The use of cocoa fiber powder is simple and universal. Since it has a positive effect on our body and regulates the work of the intestines, it is worth using it in the kitchen every day and adding it to different types of meals. If we want to reduce the calorie content of dishes in which cocoa is usually an ingredient, we can successfully replace it with cocoa fiber substitute. At the same time, it is a product so universal that we can also add it to drier dishes. Cocoa fibers are perfect as an addition to dishes such as:

  • Haferbrei,
  • Cake,
  • muffins and cookies,
  • cakes, pancakes and pancakes,
  • milk, fruit and vegetable cocktails,
  • Sorbets,
  • Mousse,
  • Yogurt,
  • sauces

To the positive to feel the effect of the cocoa fiber, it is enough to consume a maximum of 15 grams per day, i.e. about three tablespoons, remembering to drink the optimal amount of water. Cocoa fiber should not be used by people who are intolerant or allergic to cocoa.

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