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What's in raspberry seed oil?

through Biogo Biogo 03 Dec 2022 0 comments
Was ist drin Samenöl Himbeeren?

Immunity support, low GI, high fiber content, anti-cancer effects are just some of the well-known properties of the raspberry fruit, but did you know that not only these parts of this plant have beneficial health properties? A few words about raspberry seed oil today.

Raspberries - how is raspberry seed oil extracted?

Raspberries are medium-sized shrubs that grow up to 2 meters tall. About 250 species are known, of which about 100 are found in Europe. Poland is one of the leading producers of raspberries in Europe and the world. They are mostly sold raw or juiced. Producers who wanted to make the juicing process as efficient as possible and to waste the obtained substrate as little as possible began to wonder how the by-products of this process could be used. These products are raspberry pulp with large amounts of seeds. In this way, raspberry seed oil was obtained by cold pressing. The pump efficiency is between 5 and 20%. The composition of the oil has been studied and found to be extremely beneficial. In order to preserve as many beneficial properties as possible, this oil is often left unfiltered after pressing. The oil obtained in this way has a brown-yellow color and a characteristic fruity smell, for which raspberry ketone (C10H1202) is responsible, similar to raspberry fruits. Thanks to the high content of antioxidant substances, it retains great stability. There is an oil that can be used both for food and for cosmetic purposes [1] [2] [3].

Properties healthRaspberry seed oil:

Raspberries Seed Oil This Top All Bomb Antioxidants. It contains a large number of tocopherols (up to 198 mg/100 g of oil, including: a-tocopherol - 71; y - tocopherol - 272; A - tocopherol - 17.4), including vitamin E and carotenoids (about 23 mg/100 g oil ) and vitamin A. Compounds that show strong antioxidant properties give oil propertiesantimutagenic and preventive to many disease civilization. Properties this additionally strengthens spore contentacid ellagvia proven scientific action against mutagens, protects against mutations and shows antibacterial and antiviral properties. In cosmetics, whereas oil This Thank You This properties thinks myself as action oil rejuvenating. Very Okay Lubricates, moisturizes skin and smoothes it wrinkles [1] [2] [3] [4] [5].

Next particular characteristic of raspberry seed oil is bold over time acids. Fat makes up about 90% of the composition of oil which is mostly these insatiable fatty acids. Among them found you can : acid alpha-linolenic acid /ALA (omega - 3) is about 23.9%, linolenic acid /LA (omega-6) - about 57.5% , oleic acid /OA (omega-9) - approx. 13.3%, acid Eicosene / EA (Omega-9) approx. 0.4%. Acids These belong to the so-called EFAs – essentially insatiable fatty acids, which are ones that belong to the body from the outside for its correct action. It is also worth mentioning about proportions of acids Omega-3 to Omega-6, that in raspberry seed oil totals approx. 1:3. Saturated fatty acids form only a little Hallo Dies oil: acid palmitic acid approx. 2.1%, acidifier stearic acid approx. 0.9% [5] [6] [7] [8].

One of the surprising properties of raspberry seed oil is yoga actionSunscreen against UV -B and UV-C radiation. A lack of data on the sunscreen protection factor (SPF). protection factor dies oil; in research hesitation it ranges from 28-50. Thanks great content it is stronger than vitamin A properties sunscreen and so on alone abilities regeneration and development cells than other vegetable oils. Prevents so-called  photoaging myself skin and formation discoloration. That due to lack of sufficient research confirm sufficient protection sunscreen as independent preparation, he recommends I myself use it as appendix or serum under sunscreen [1][2][3][9].

Penultimate light up probably not the only benefits of raspberry seed oil are properties anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic. Property This thanks, among other things, content of gamma-linolenic acid, which This brakes excessive response layout immune and reduces intensifying state inflammation of etiology viral or bacterial. Accordingly, this oil found application, among other things, in toothpastes, creams, lotions and emulsions [2] [10].

Specific interest oil This acquired in cosmetology. and nothing strange, because both possibly dry as well as fat complexion is helpful. Used on oily complexion acne causes cessation of work glands sebum and unblock leeks skin and reduction blackheads. Applied but dry to complexionimproves lipid barrier epidermis and protects against transepidermal - transdermal loss of waterTEWL. This property oil This owes content Acid linoleic acid , which indicates double operation depending on condition skin [11].

Oil This introduced into the diet will increase content of insatiable acids fatty acids, vitamins and active antioxidant ingredients in our diet. That because of often lack of acid alpha-linoleic acid in people with psoriasis, eczema, hypersensitivity skin for allergic reactions, which happened in raspberry seed oil considerable amount, it seems to me particularly beneficial considering inclusion in the diet [ 11 ].

Application of raspberry seed oil:

Raspberry Seed OilYou can use as:

- middle smear for both skin and hair

- Middle moisturizing

- Preparation against transepidermal loss of water

- Protection From Process Aging To The Skin

- an additive to preparations with a filter, which increases their effectiveness

- massage oil

- source of insatiable fatty acids


Raspberry seed oil is great oil compactness insatiable acids fatty acids, especially omega-3, properties sunscreen, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. In addition, applied to the skin lubricates, prevents water loss and rejuvenates it.


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  5. Bae JY, Choi JS, Kang SW, Lee YJ, Park J, Kang YH , Dietary ellagic acid alleviates skin wrinkles and inflammation induced by UV-B exposure. exp Dermatol . 2010; 19(8):182-
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  8. Martysiak-Zurowska Dorota, Drapała Lukas : Structure triacylglycerol seed oils  strawberry , raspberry and blackcurrant ; EDIBLE MEAT, 45 (#1-2), 11-20
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