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Meet closer to tropical acai

through Biogo Biogo 27 Nov 2022 0 comments
Treffen näher tropisch Acai


Fruit palms Brazilian accepted in Poland under the name "berry acai". This fruit's appearance most closely resembles blueberry in Americans, and its taste compares to combining berry with bitter chocolate. fruit acai originated from palm trees of tropical Amazon forests and their values of taste and health properties were valued for hundreds of years by indigenous populations living in Amazon basins. Knowledge of this fruit came to Poland relatively recently. Also fresh We don't have any fruit available as they don't fit me even You are transporting them. To use beneficial properties of this fruit we can choose from supplements available on the market in the form of nutritional acai extract capsules or preserves such as juices and berries acai in freeze-dried form.

What do berries acai contain?

Acai Berries This is true vitamin bomb, that's why it ranks among superfoods, meaning healthiest foods in world. also contain vitamins C and E B vitamins - B1, B2 and B3. Besides, apart from, these minerals such as protein, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and even omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids. Except, separately, except that in their composition we will find antioxidants and enough high fiber content.

Acai Juice - Properties Healing

Since fresh Acai berries are not available in Poland, it is worth consuming in return regularly Acai - Juice. Assigns to myself many properties per - health which they support:

  • supply necessary ingredients nutritionally supportive This alone system immunological,
  • fight stress,
  • maintain correct mass body,
  • to remove toxins from the body.

Acai berries for weight loss

Berries Acai They support slimming process between Others Thanks before that contain quite a lot of fiber. It gives a feeling of satiety, makes it easier to control eaten calories, limit adjusts hunger. Fiber contained in the berries improves transformation matter and regulates process digestion. Except, separately, except this fruit extract acai or juice allows replenishment of necessary vitamins and trace elements, co is very important time diet reduction.

berries acai if goji

Although they hail from different parts of the world, both berries acai and goji count as superfoods and are well worth incorporating into your everyday diet. They types of fruit contain valuable ingredients and minerals necessary to maintain proper state of health. They distinguish myself from myself appearance, taste and type used - berries goji usually he adds to the dishes however dry berries Acai available in Poland mainly in the form of juice and acai freeze - successfully dried you can add to desserts. Undoubtedly, however, both types of blueberries deserve our attention.

How to do Acai Bowl?

One of the most interesting and healthiest ways to use blueberries acai is to prepare nutritious Acai Smoothies Bowl. To prepare them you need to prepare:

  • 2 tsp powdered or freeze-dried blueberries acai
  • Small cup of yoghurt of course
  • banana (can be frozen),
  • Pear,
  • Handful of strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, blueberries,
  • 2 tablespoons butter peanut,
  • Nuts, seeds, seeds, favorite fruit to eat.


In a blender we mix berries acai butter peanut and yogurt, then we add the rest of the colorful fruit and blend until get smooth consistency. Formed mousse Pour into a bowl and ready we decorate Appreciating nuts, seeds and fresh fruit. In just that way we will receive a healthy and nutritious breakfast that allows us to full of energy to start a new day.

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